Autumn 1
Maths: Place value, column addition and column subtraction
English: Narrative writing
Art: Sketching and drawing
PE: Gymnastics
RE: What do Christians believe about Agape?
Science: Animals including humans
History: Stone Age to Iron Age
Autumn 2
Maths: Measure and Rounding
English: Newspaper writing and non-chronological Reports
DT: Structures - Pavillions
PE: Gymnastics
Music: Let your spirit fly
RE: What do Christians believe about Agape?
French: Greetings
Geography: The UK
Spring 1
Maths: Multiplication and Division
English: Narrative writing
Art: Painting and Texture
PE: Circuits and Swimming
RE: What do Christians learn from the Creation Story?
Science: Plants
History: Ancient Egyptians
Summer 1
Maths: Shape, Co-ordinates
English: Narrative writing based on Myths and Legends
Art: Craft
PE: Tennis
RE: Humanism and other world views
Geography: Rainforests
Music: Samba
French: Adjectives